Australians had a chance to see the aurora australis, experts say, after a southern lights display so spectacular it left at least one astronomer in tears.

Social media users posted pictures of brightly coloured skies in Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, and around the world.

Experiencing the Aurora Australis can be a magical event, though it may not be as vivid as what you might expect. Here are some enhanced tips to help you make the most of this natural spectacle:


Understand the Colours

The Aurora Australis often appears as faint hues of grey and pink. Occasionally, you might witness soft greens in the sky. These colours are generally subtle and might be challenging to see with the naked eye. Using a camera, even your smartphone, can enhance these colours in your photos, capturing more than what is visible directly.


Using Your Smartphone:

Modern smartphones are quite capable of photographing the Aurora. For iPhones, navigate to the Camera app, tap the arrow at the top of the screen to access advanced settings, and select the “Night mode” icon (resembles a crescent moon). Adjust the exposure time to about 10 seconds for the best effect. Stability is key, so resting your phone on a stable surface or using a tripod is advisable to avoid blurry images.


Choosing the Right Location:

To optimize your viewing experience, position yourself away from city lights. Rural areas are ideal. If you’re at the beach, find a spot where shadows can help your eyes adjust to the darkness. Using your phone’s camera in long exposure mode can act as a helpful viewfinder to detect the auroras, which might appear brighter on your screen than they do in person.


Tips for DSLR Users:

If you have a DSLR camera, enhance your chances by setting up away from artificial lighting. Mount your camera on a tripod to maintain stability, and use settings such as ISO 2000-4000, aperture at f/2.8, and a shutter speed of 15 to 30 seconds.


Additional Tips

  • Patience is Key: Auroras can be unpredictable. Be prepared to wait and keep your camera ready.
  • Dress Warmly: Nighttime viewings can get cold, especially away from urban warmth.
  • Check Aurora Forecasts: Websites and apps that track solar activity can help you plan the best nights for aurora viewing.


With these tips, you’re better prepared to capture and enjoy the elusive beauty of the Aurora Australis.