The word astronomy originates from the Greek word Astronomia. The study astronomy is a science that deals with the origin, evolution, composition, distance, and motion of the universe.



It includes astrophysics, which discusses all cosmic matter’s physical properties and structure. The study of astronomy offers us futuristic insights and allows us to unfold the mysteries of the universe.

Astronomy is a combination of a lot of things. Ever wonder if there is life on other planets? That’s astronomy. Have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? That’s astronomy too. Anything in deep space that can be studied is a part of astronomy. The fascination with all the stars is where astronomy starts.


Study of Astronomy,

Some tools used to study astronomy are binoculars, telescopes, computers, and cameras. Used to detect and analyze light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation.

Since ancient times, astronomy has contributed considerably to humanity. Our calendar and system of time originated from astronomy. Indeed, mathematics was derived from astronomical calculations. Navigational tools developed from astronomy allowed early explorers to ship across the seas and spacecraft across the solar system. 

The very first digital computers were built to deal with the dilemma arising from astronomy. Satellites providing services that enable cell phones to cable are applications of the laws of motion and gravity.



The study of Astronomy is a science that dates back to ancient times, having existed since the dawn of recorded civilization. The origin of astronomy dates back to prehistoric times when no records have survived. From the beginning of history, we find indications in the oldest written records that astronomical phenomena had captured man’s attention.


Raise his Eyes Toward the Sky 

We wonder what caused early man to raise his eyes from the Earth toward the sky above him. The countless radiating points arranged in a beautiful variety of brightness, colors, and patterns caught his eye. The oldest evidence of astronomy is a calendar carved onto a piece of bone. Found near the Congo river in Africa, dating back to 6500 B.C.

Astronomy is indeed one of the oldest sciences. Living in the space age, we are part of a generation that pioneers exploring the environment beyond our planet Earth.


astronomy is a science



The astronomer is a scientist who observes and studies the planets, stars, and galaxies.


Study Celestial Bodies

Astronomers study celestial bodies and phenomena that exist or have their source in deep space. Dissimilar to other scientific studies, astronomers cannot directly interact with extraterrestrial bodies. So they must resort to thorough surveillance to make discoveries. Usually, astronomers use telescopes or other similar devices to accomplish such feats. 

It is a general misconception that Astronomers dedicate their professional lives to peering keenly through telescopes in lonely, cold observatories. Typically astronomers spend no more than a few weeks a year at a satellite control station. 

Utilizing research facts and figures to evaluate the composition of galaxies, quasars, stars, and planets. And to gauge radio, infrared, gamma, and X-ray emissions from external sources. Indeed astronomers concentrate on consistent patterns in the data. The data accumulated is then developed into theories using mathematical applications. Information gathered from other astronomers often compliments their findings.



The study of Astronomy is a science and indeed one of the oldest sciences. And humankind has been fascinated by the night sky and recording movements of the celestial bodies. Living in the space age, we are a part of the generation exploring the environment beyond our planet Earth. As Plato noted, ‘Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another.’