
Best Telescopes for Viewing Planets the Galaxies

Best Telescopes for Viewing Planets

We are looking for the best telescopes for viewing planets that will give you amazing views of the planets, galaxies and deep space . We’ve compiled a list of some of the best on the market.

Different telescopes are suited to viewing planets other targets. Therefore it pays to know what sort of instrument you are after if you have a specific observing aim in mind. Generally speaking, observing the planets requires a telescope with a long focal length, so you can fit your target in a smaller field of view and get a detailed close-up.

A longer focal length in a telescope usually means a higher focal ratio, which can be worked out by dividing the focal length by the aperture in mm.

But look for a high focal ratio if you want to see the planets of the Solar System. In practical astronomy, these are referred to as ‘slow’ telescopes.

Over the years, we’ve reviewed several telescopes ideal for planetary observation. However, the accompanying price tags indicate these are not beginners’ telescopes. They are for those who are serious about practical astronomy and want to take it to the next level.

Below is our pick of some of the best telescopes that will have you enjoying views of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in no time.


Best Telescopes for Viewing the Planets in 2023

Sky-Watcher SkyMax 180 Pro Maksutov

The SkyMax 180’s long focal length is ideal for planetary and lunar viewing. The telescope also gives good views of many deep-sky objects. We used it to observe Saturn and found the Cassini Division and several moons on show. The scope comes with a 28mm eyepiece, a star diagonal, and Vixen-style mounting bar. At just 7.8kg, it is also relatively lightweight for its size.


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Celestron Astro Fi 5 Schmidt-Cassegrain Wi-Fi system

The Celestron Astro Fi 5 is a 5-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain on a single fork arm that also features integrated Wi-Fi. A focal length of 1,250mm gives a focal ratio of f/10, making this a ‘slow’ system suited for observing the planets and the Moon and bright deep-sky targets.

Indeed, we were rewarded with beautiful views of Jupiter’s two main belts, polar hoods, and all four of its Galilean moons. The Wi-Fi/smartphone control of the Astro Fi 5 system is a nice touch and works well. Turn on the mount, and it sets up a Wi-Fi spot you can connect to. Open up SkyPortal, and you can use the app to explore a variety of targets.

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Celestron 100 mm Inspire Refractor Telescope

The Inspire 100AZ refractor is a high quality telescope for those with beginner to intermediate levels of experience. The 100 mm Inspire is easy to carry and store, and is equipped with features heretofore unseen on entry level telescopes. These include fully coated glass optics, a sturdy alt-azimuth mount with a special asymmetrical design. A solid adjustable steel tripod with folding accessory tray, built-in smartphone adapter. Integrated red LED flashlight, StarPointer Pro finderscope, erect image optics, and a focus micrometer for simple reversal to the same focus point.

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Explore Scientific Carbon Fibre 127mm triplet apo refractor.

The ED127’s air-spaced triplet lens is excellent for capturing subtle details of the planets and the Moon. The fact that the tube is made from carbon fiber helps to keep the weight down. It is an excellent, medium-resolution planetary imaging instrument.


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Apertura AD8 Dobsonian 8″ Telescope with Accessories

The AD8 telescope package includes everything you’ll need to get started including a full-sized right-angle (RA) image correct 8×50 finder scope, two eyepieces, a 1.25″ adapter to accept both 2″ and 1.25″ eyepieces, a laser collimator, cooling fan, 1.25″ moon filter, and more.


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Celestron AstroMaster 114 EQ Newtonian Reflector Telescope with Equatorial Mount and Motor Drive

The Celestron AstroMaster 114 EQ is one of the most popular telescopes we sell at High Point Scientific, and its no wonder! Unlike many other beginner telescopes at this price, the AstroMaster 114 EQ telescope with a motor drive has enough light-gathering capacity to venture out of the Solar System and into deep-space. It’s portable equatorial mount, complete with advanced features like setting circles and slow motion control cables, can be used in a simplistic manner, or can be aligned so that you can follow the movement of the stars as they arc through the sky.

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Celestron Advanced VX 9.25 Schmidt-Cassegrain System

The C9.25’s 9.25-inch (235mm) aperture is generous, gathering a third more light than an 8-inch (200mm) reflector. Its f/10 optics put it in the slow category, and it is best suited for Solar System objects. We used the scope to view a tiny Mars, and the Red Planet’s color, disc, and phase were very evident. We could even see one of its polar caps and evidence of surface markings.

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Meade LX 200 8-inch Telescope

Accurate Go-To and crisp views make this a great starter scope for a serious beginner. And with an optional equatorial wedge, it is also helpful for long-exposure astrophotography. It is suitable for use with CCD, DSLR, and high frame-rate planetary cameras. Despite its rather heavy weight, this relatively portable scope would serve you well for planetary imaging.

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Celestron CPC Deluxe 1100 EdgeHD Schmidt-Cassegrain

The CPC Deluxe’s 11 inches aperture gathers plenty of light from nebulae and galaxies. While its focal length is long enough to get detailed views of bright Solar System objects with a modest set of eyepieces. Our view of Jupiter using the supplied 23mm eyepiece revealed a sharp disc with a clear view of the two main belts, exquisitely intertwined with fine intricate detail.

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Celestron CGX-L EQ 1100 HD Schmidt-Cassegrain

The CGX-L EQ 1100 EdgeHD represents a serious investment. But this instrument delivers a sharp, flat field across a large area that should be good for both Solar Systems and deep-sky targets. The Moon and planets appear bright and well-presented. The 11-inch aperture having sufficient resolving power to reveal intricate detail.


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Source: Iain Todd, Science journalist BBC Sky at Night Magazine’s Content Editor.


Warren Breakwell

Published by
Warren Breakwell

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