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15 Best Stargazing Tools – Telescope Accessories

You bought your first telescope; now what? Here are 15 of the best stargazing tools 

To experience the best, you should get equipment that works with your telescope. In this article about telescope accessories, you’ll find tips and ideas to help you begin your astronomy journey

The Best Stargazing Tools are grouped into the following categories:


Books, Charts, and related

Observing report tools

Computer/phone/tablet apps

Optical enhancements





An excellent observing chair will enhance your observing experience. An adjustable height would be best, as your scope will be tipped at various angles as you observe.

There are many good choices of commercially available observing chairs. They typically run in the $100 to $300 range. 

A portable table to place beside your telescope can be convenient. For a notebook or to rest your star chart during an observing session. A fold-up camp table works well for portability. One that goes into a bag is excellent if you frequent remote sites or take things on vacation where packing space is at a premium.

A stargazing flashlight for the table or other uses.


Books, Charts, and Related Guides

Books on astronomy can range from beginner guides to deep dives into various subjects. I recommend some great beginner books that will teach you about your telescope, observing, and how to find things in the sky.





Turn Left at Orion 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope

The next step from the beginner books is star charts. Some are simple and inexpensive, and some are larger and more comprehensive.


Sky & Telescope Pocket Sky Atlas

The Cambridge Star Atlas

Next, you will need a red light so you can read the charts at night. A white light will mess up your night vision. But red lights do not hurt your night vision nearly as much. Look for one made for astronomy so the light could be brighter. Or one that has an adjustable level. You want to be able to read your star charts on the table next to you, but if the light is too bright, it will affect your eye’s dark adaptation. 

Here are a few you can search for.

Carson RedSight Pro

Orion 5756 DualBeam LED Astronomy Flashlight


Observing Report Tools

The report can range from a few notes scratched on a pad that lists the targets for the night. Or you can go as far as formal, detailed reports fit for an observatory. You might not think of this initially, but taking notes at the telescope will enhance your observing experience and sharpen your observing skills. 

Observing reports are more of the former. I like to use a blank sketch pad as I sometimes quickly sketch what I see. A circle with a few stripes might be Jupiter, with some dots or small circles to indicate where the moons were.

A quick sketch of a star cluster. I am no artist, and you may not be either, but I pay more and more profound attention to what I see and begin to observe the targets.

You can also record what telescope you used, what eyepieces you used, what filters, date, time, temperature, and the general observing conditions. You can go back to these years later and relive the observing session. Or you can use them as a reference to see what you wish to take out for this observing session.

Observing reports are a great way to document your developing journey in astronomy. I highly recommend taking notes on the scope.



The Notebook

The notebook can be a simple blank sketch pad, a lined notebook, or a standard observing log. I list a few of the astronomy observing books/logs here for you to search on.

A Stargazing Notebook – Includes Constellation Maps and Astrolabe

Use a Stargazer’s Journal 

Online Observing Forms

The Glowseen LED Pen with Light is helpful


Computer, Tablet, and Phone Apps

If you like to use applications on your home computer, laptop, tablet, or phone, there is an abundance available, and many are free or very low. A quick search will find these and others. I will only detail each one as that would be an article.

The first ones are weather apps. These provide information about cloud cover, transparency, and “seeing,” which relates to the atmosphere’s turbulence. These are available on your computer and your phone/tablet.



Next are electronic star charts or planetarium applications. Unlike paper charts, you can set these for date and time, and they will show you the sky and highlight things to see. Some will let you point your phone/tablet at the sky and tell you what is up there. Very cool!

Some are available for a particular operating system, and some, like Stellarium, are available across multiple operating systems. These will get you started in your investigation. 



Phases of the Moon

Jupiter Simulator

The last group of the best stargazing tools is to help you plan your observing session by telling you what is in the sky tonight. These can classify things by target type, brightness, and other parameters.

Tonight’s Sky

DSO Browser

Sky Safari


Optical Enhancements

Your scope likely came with one or two eyepieces, a Barlow lens, and a filter. But you will want more as the initial items won’t be enough to take full advantage of your telescope’s capabilities.


The telescope gathers light. The eyepieces provide the magnification. The limiter to magnification is the aperture of your scope and the atmospheric conditions. Some things look better at low magnification, some at medium, and some at high. Others, like planets, will take all the magnification you can get.

You can’t control atmospheric conditions. Humidity, air pollution, dust, and turbulence in the air will scatter the light as it comes from space to reach your scope. As a result, you can apply more magnification some days less. A selection of magnifications, either by eyepieces or a Barlow lens to be used with your eyepieces, will give you the option to choose the best magnification for that target on that day.

Rule of Thumb

What is a reasonable maximum expectation for your telescope? The typical rule of thumb for maximum practical magnification for a particular telescope is 2X the aperture in mm. So if you have a 90 mm scope, it will max out around 180X under excellent atmospheric conditions. Many days you will not be able to go that high, but on some rare days, you can go higher.

Here are some examples of eyepiece series I often recommend that address a broad range of budgets. Make sure you select one that is the correct size as they are available in 1.25″ barrel, which will fit almost any scope, and 2″ barrels which will fit scopes that can take 2″. Check what your scope uses before you buy.

Plossl eyepieces – Celestron, Meade, Orion, GSO, and Skywatcher are all good.

Agena Astro Starguider ED

Meade 5000 Ultra Wide Angle

Explore Scientific 68 degree

Explore scientific 82 degrees.



Barlow Lens

A Barlow Lens is a multiplier. You place it into the telescope where the eyepiece would usually go. Then you put the eyepiece into the Barlow. If you have three eyepieces that are correctly spaced and have a Barlow lens, you can have six magnifications for less money than buying three more eyepieces.




Filters are usually disks that are screwed onto the bottom of the eyepiece. A Moon filter is usually the first filter people buy. The Moon is very bright, especially when it is nearly complete, and can be challenging to observe because it is so bright. A filter reduces the amount of light transmitted to the eye like sunglasses. I recommend a 25% filter which would pass 25% of the captured light. Moon filters are typically found as 13%, 25%, and 40%, with a variable transmission.



Moon filters

These can also be helpful when viewing the very bright planet Venus. Venus is covered in clouds, so it is highly reflective and will appear as a bright blur. But with a Moon filter to cut down on that glare, you will be able to see Venus’s changing phases, which are similar to the phases of the Moon.

Colored Filters are most useful on planets. They can be a starting point for you to learn how to use colors. How to select the right colors is a topic unto itself. However, you can pick up inexpensive four to eight-color filters for less than $50. Naturally, the better ones cost more.



Light Pollution Filters

Light Pollution Filters are becoming less and less valuable. The filters were tuned to these wavelengths and provided some limited benefit. Light pollution filters offer no help in filtering out these sources of light pollution.



Nebula filters

Nebula filters and Oxygen III, OIII filters are used on Nebula. A nebula often transmits light in particular wavelengths. These filters allow a minimal range of wavelengths to pass. It darkens the surrounding sky, which can bring out the Nebula.

They limit the light, therefore they work best with larger aperture scopes, and more significant, but if you have the money and the interest, feel free to try one on smaller scopes. Which nebula or OIII filter works best on which Nebula is a discussion all its own and is often a matter of trial and error. 


Research Before you Buy.

Any telescope can observe the Sun by adding a full aperture filter at the front of the scope. Make sure this is a solar filter for visual observation and not for astrophotography, as they are different. AP filters may not provide enough protection for your eyes. Remember, only point your telescope at the Sun with a proper filter on the front of the scope. And NEVER use a solar filter that attaches to the eyepiece.


Telescope Accessories Containers

As you progress in the hobby, you will accumulate stuff that you wish to store in an organized manner to protect it and keep it clean and dry.


Here are a few more stargazing tool items for your shopping list.

Eyepiece cases are popular. They are usually padded to protect these somewhat delicate and often expensive items. There are dedicated eyepiece cases, but you can use anything you like. Foam is usually the method used to secure the eyepieces in place.

Orion 05959 Deluxe Large Accessory Case

Orion 15178 Waist Case Accessory Holder

Astromania Transport Bag


Prominent Manufacturers

Depending on where you store your telescope accessories, you may not need a case. Many prominent manufacturers make custom cases fitted to their telescope optical tubes. And some provide more generic cases with foam where you do the fitting yourself.

Here are a few examples to give you some ideas.

Celestron Case for Nexstar 8/9.25/11-Inch Optical Tube (94004)

Orion 15174 47×13.5×18.5 Inches Padded Telescope Case 

Meade 609002 Infinity 80-90-102mm Carry Bag

Vixen 3880 Aluminum Case for VC200/VMC200

The balance of your telescope accessories that do not require padding can go in fishing tackle boxes, tool boxes, backpacks, or bins. Whatever makes them easy to carry and store.

Miscellaneous items

Anything not listed on the best stargazing tools above falls into this telescope accessories category.

Extra batteries for your computerized mount

Extra batteries for your finder scope

Pencil, pen, pad

Tools – screwdriver, pliers, etc.

Binoculars – A great adjunct to your telescope

Hand warmers for when you observe cold weather

Water and snacks for those extended sessions away from home


First aid kit

Finally, astronomy is usually more enjoyable with friends. So seek out the local astronomy clubs. Visit some of their meetings. Most clubs welcome visitors. Perhaps someone has the same telescope you have and can provide tips on what eyepieces and accessories they found most helpful.

You have embarked on a beautiful hobby. Over time you will add more the best stargazing tools to enhance your experience. I hope you have gained some valuable ideas here.

Warren Breakwell

Published by
Warren Breakwell

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